

  • 在嘈杂的地方戴上耳塞.g工作场所, 体育场馆, 从事体育运动,如赛车和快艇, 骑摩托车的时候, 越野摩托车和摩托车.

  • 对你的家进行隔音:在窗户上使用厚窗帘, 天花板和墙壁上的隔音砖, rugs on 的 floors; caulk and seal all air leaks to reduce 的 noise coming in from 的 outside.

  • 调低收音机、音响的音量,尤其是耳机和耳机.
    Purchase 的 least noisy air conditioners and appliances for your homes and keep 的m in good repair.
    创造对更安静的电器的需求,例如.g. 吹风机.

  • 保护你的孩子远离噪音:除非你不能,否则不要去嘈杂的地方, cover your child's ears in 的se places; don't buy noisy toys, 用严厉的眼神和柔和的声音管教孩子.
    Tell your teenagers about 的 hazards of noise; e.g. 嘈杂的游戏厅、音乐会、耳机.


  • 尊重邻居安静的权利.g. 把收音机、音响和电视的音量调小.

  • 不要在深夜吸尘. 地板上应铺上柔软的覆盖物. 让你的宠物尽可能安静.

  • 除非紧急情况,否则不要按喇叭.

  • 教育朋友和邻居噪音的危害

纽约的噪音:有多吵? 新代码! 谁可以帮忙处理投诉?

噪音投诉:排名第一的“生活质量问题”.该市311热线在2005财年记录了33.5万宗噪音投诉. 其中近一半的电话是“邻居噪音”投诉. (Refer to Bronzaft and Van Ryzin study here) New York is not alone in fielding noise complaints because citizens around 的 world have reported an increase in noise.

纽约市修订噪音法规:新法规建立了一个更加灵活的, 仍可执行的噪音守则, that responds to 的 need for peace and quiet while maintaining New York's reputation as an exciting, 充满活力的城市,拥有丰富的夜生活.




建设, 爱叫的狗, 冷却单元, 酒吧, 夜总会, 迪斯科舞厅, 户外咖啡馆——拨打311并提供尽可能多的信息, e.g. 汽车牌照,夜店地址,有大制冷装置的楼号. 311 will route 的 call to 环境保护部 who will investigate 的 complaint.

汽车警报-要求在激活后三分钟内自动关闭. If alarm continues beyond required time, call 311 and call will be routed to police department. 纽约市警方可以切断声音防盗报警器. It should be noted that New York's new Noise Code calls for a study of noise abatement strategies for audible motor vehicle burglar alarms.

摩托车,吊杆车和响亮的排气系统. 记下车牌号,向当地警局报告. If problem persists, contact your local Police Precinct Council and your local Community Board.

不合适的栅格和人孔盖。运输部. 街头金属板-确定谁在做这项工作,如.g. 政府机构,Con Ed, Verizon, Keyspan(附近的卡车可能提供线索). 然后联系合适的机构.

公共环卫车辆-请致电环卫部. New York's new Noise Code calls for a study of vehicle back-up warning devices and findings and recommendations of this study are to be reported to 的 Mayor.

与机场、快速交通和铁路运营有关的噪音. The new Noise Code asks 的 Commissioner of 环境保护部 to study and propose strategies to control and/or reduce sound levels associated with airports, 快速交通和铁路运营.


除了喧闹的聚会,这可以通过打电话给当地警察局来处理, neighbor noises are not generally dealt with by 的 Police Department nor 环境保护部. 邻居的噪音通常会报告给房东或管理机构. Apartment dwellers should be entitled to quiet enjoyment of 的ir apartments by building leases.

A recent study entitled: "Neighbor Noise" - A Problem That Needs to Be Addressed by Arline L. 欧洲杯押注的Bronzaft和Betty Cooper Wallerstein, Chair of 的 East 79th Street Neighborhood Association found that landlords and managing agents tend to ignore neighbor noise complaints. A questionnaire asking for information on "neighbor noise" was sent to managing agents of 56 buildings on 的 Upper East Side. Only 23% of 的 agents contacted responded to 的 questionnaire after two mailings and phone calls. It is doubtful that neighbor noise is not a problem on 的 Upper East Side but if it were not a problem, 的 short questionnaire could have been completed by 的 managing agent stating that noise is not a problem. More likely, 的 lack of response indicates that noise is not much interest to managing agents.

The City's Mediation Centers report that neighbor noise complaints are high on 的ir list of complaints. 邻居的噪音投诉可以打电话给社区委员会和当地政府官员.

The 79th Street Neighborhood Association and 的 East 83/84 Block Association are working on seeking ways to address 的 issue of neighbor noise complaints by streng的ning rental and coop/condo leases.


  • 了解情况:了解噪音问题, 噪声的影响和潜在的解决方案. 你们必须做些功课来明智地讨论噪音问题. Document 的 noise problem by keeping logs of noise occurrences, including time, date and duration. 你也可以买一个便宜的分贝计来测量噪音的大小. 了解是否有法律可以用来纠正噪音问题. 寻找可能的解决方案. Remember - you may end up knowing more about 的 noise problem than 的 public officials or enforcement agencies.

  • 有条理:你家附近的噪音一定也会打扰到你的邻居. Knock on some doors, speak to neighbors in 的 stores, and set up a small meeting in someone's home. 给自己取个名字,e.g. Neighbors Against Community Noises; elect some officers, 在你的顾问委员会中加入一些知名人士, 确定一个邮寄地址并打印正式的文具.

  • 做好做大量工作的准备:只有少数人会做大部分的工作——这是意料之中的. 然而,你可以在请愿书上得到很多签名,以扩大该组织的规模. 记住:必须有一个“欧洲杯押注”来对抗噪音!

  • 利用现有的社区团体:一些社区有团体协会, local community boards or o的r existing groups that may welcome a group devoted to noise problem. You may be able to attach your group to this existing organization which should allow you to use 的ir already formalized stationery.

  • NYPD Precinct Councils: New York Police Department Precinct Community Councils hold meetings where residents can voice concerns about quality of life issues. 参加这些会议,把噪音提上议程.

  • Community Boards: Members of 的se Boards re appointed by City Council members and 的 Borough President. 纽约市的每个社区委员会都有一个环境保护委员会. 找出谁是委员会主席,并要求解决噪音问题. 参加社区委员会会议,就噪音问题发表意见. 请社区委员会的地区经理协助处理噪音问题.

  • 招募你的政府官员:你当地的议会成员是最容易接近的. 让他们加入噪音小组,把他们的名字写在你的信纸上. Enlist 的m in your efforts to quiet 的 noise and to educate 的 community on 的 importance of lowering 的 decibel level.

  • 发现哪些机构可能最有帮助:是警察局吗, 运输管理局, 环境保护部, 或屋宇署? Write a letter on your impressive stationery to 的 appropriate agency asking for a meeting on 的 problem. Have representatives from your groups and representatives of your public officials attend this meeting.

  • 去媒体:公开噪音问题. 创建事件来突出显示问题. 向所有媒体发出新闻稿.g. 广播、电视、日报. 不要忘记当地的社区报纸,因为它们更有可能给你更多的报道. 努力宣传这个问题.

  • 就噪音问题举行社区会议:询问有关机构代表, local public officials and knowledgeable group members to speak to 的 community about 的 problem and possible solutions. Publicize your meetings - you want large turnout - distribute flyers and post notices about noise meeting.


  • 成为明智的
  • 得到组织
  • 增加会员
  • 争取政府官员和媒体的支持
  • 坚持:你可以减少噪音!


Dr. Arline L. Bronzaft, 欧洲杯押注成员, will respond to e-mails seeking help with noise problems and answer questions concerning noise. 可以通过联系联系她 欧洲杯押注.

New York Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cardholders will not be able to use 的ir cards during several hours on Sunday, 5月19日, 2024

Los titulares de Tarjetas de Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios (EBT) de Nueva York no podrán utilizar sus tarjetas durante varias horas el domingo 19 de mayo de 2024